e.Manuals Mobile for iPad




e.Manuals Mobile is for airline pilots, FAA inspectors, and airline vendors that have been given access to an airline’s electronic flight manuals. It makes flight manuals readily accessible, and keeps them in sync with your airline’s online document repository. e.Manuals Mobile maintains copies of manuals so the pilot can have the assurance that what is being referenced is the latest version of the manual.


Supported Airlines:

  • Contact the developer to add your airline

With more and more airlines adopting flight manual ship sets and Electronic Flight Bag (EFB), the trend is for pilots to have access to company flight manuals only in the flightdeck. Because of this trend, there is a real need for pilots to have personal electronic access to manuals. While some airlines have provided access to manuals via a web interface, invariably the end-user will download manuals for off-line access. This presents a real problem with personal copies of flight manuals being out of date. e.Manuals Mobile addresses this problem.


App Store

Download it now for free from the Apple App Store



  • Opens manuals for viewing, searching etc.
  • Synchronizes directly with your airline's document repository and maintains copies of manuals in its own local vault on your iPad for off-line reference
  • Any time the app is run, if an Internet connection is present, it automatically compares what it has and offers to synchronize any revisions if needed


  • iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro, iPad mini
  • iOS 7 or later
  • Approved access to your airline's document repository
  • LTE or Wifi Internet connection (for syncing manuals only)



No warranty is implied for e.Manuals Mobile. The author is not responsible for the results of manual downloads or contents of manuals. Always compare manual dates to official airline information. Always protect SSI with device password.



Copyright © 2021 SafiSoft All Rights Reserved


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